I really like the Libertarian philosophy, and I think Ron Paul's an old-school mother fucker, which is what we need in Washington these days. He actually wanted to issue letters of Marque and Reprisal (old pirate-hunting state-paid bounties from the 1700's) for terrorists rather than going to war. The man's got a solid understanding of the fundamentals. Sadly, I think the country's kind of on corporate auto-pilot at the moment: you've got a whole lot of people that put all their faith in what the government or the media tell them, and it's really easy for people to abuse that kind of trust and get away with it on a regular basis. Even if Ron Paul wins by some miracle, things might already be too far gone for anyone to let him set it right again. And then we just need to wait for a good outbreak of zombies to shake things up a little bit.
while this guy seems swell and all that I hope to god he doesnt have the "ralph nader effect" and cause another dickbag republican to get into office.
He may actually end up doing that for the Democrats. I've heard a lot of upset Republicans favoring this guy.