I like to draw and complain about stuff.



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I agree with u fully but I, like most others here have given up on a proper all time best flash list. The list here shows the flash with the best all time score for the moment, just wait till more ppl vote on them then their score will drop and eventually they'll fall off the top never to be heard from again. Its kinda sad/weird that ppl get in to a frenzy when voting for new submissions, constantly changing the all time list, but thats how it is. I dont think that gonna change anytime soon (*sigh*). 4get abt score, I miss all the old fave's being on top but times change and ppl move on so get over it.

I didn't like More Brawl Taunts (even if I have Mario RPG: Rawest Forest in my favorite flash), but I was thoughtful in my critique(I gave it a 5/10 on the review scale) and vote (voted 3/5). My solution to overrated flash is satire and ridicule; "The Nail", "Why?", "The Most Annoying Flash", and "Baron von Brunk's Under Judgement" are perfect examples of satire. Of course, you would personnally disagree with me on this.

Oddly enough, I hate most of those games/movies or I at least think that they shouldn't be in the top 10.

I only wish that people weren't fucking idiots that thought along the lines of "Oh, that was okay, but I'll give it a 5 anyways!"

It's only more horrible when it's just blatant fanboyism like "omfg, Wonchop, lol, 555555555 :3"

So many reviews are deleted because the give Adam Phillips average or low scores, even if they leave like a one page review solely because some faggots can't stand him not getting the review award.


Did you have to hit the exact problem I always harp on about NG?

I'm sorry if someone already hasn't said this, but here's my opinion.

The list balances itself out in two weeks when people get over how hillarious they think something really is.

yes its very sad. i remember when i was inspired to make a flash to get to the top 50, now, seeing any simple shit getting there, im not inspired anymore since it doesnt require as much effort as before... i remember back in 2005 or 2006 when i would pee my pants wheneveri saw something new in the top 50. i was like WOW this shit has to be REALLY good to be there... now we see... sonic and brawl...

funny thing is, now that the more brawl taunts has reached the top 1, bitchy users started to mass vote 0 in it andn ow it has like 4.3 which means it will go down soon...

oh yea i also remember the days when a 4.2 was super awesome and hard to get. now anything gets that, and the super awesome score is 4.5 now... for some reason i dont like having the highest score here... that high. also, since getting a score that high was so hard, it would inmediately give you importance in newgrounds IMO.

I think this trend started on Pico day 2006, it wasnt that big tho... then, by the redesign, it started to get to these extremes. you know, they should like punish mass 0s and 5s if you are catched voting a 0 more than 5 times in a row, you would get a ban or something... i would get inmediately banned because of my bitchy "lower-fresh-top50-content" 0s :C

You pretty much did the talking for me. It's mainly because it gets so many 5's and 10 star reviews, but eventually, you take the sweet with the sour, so it evens out. Unfortunately, the "sour", is 0's. As RubberNinja said, the users don't use good criticism, and will only review what they love or hate. Anywho, there's not much that can be done, the NG populus is too massive for it to try to be fixed.

Why isn't 3-Ali on the top 50? :'(

Don't take it too hard. Not your fault 80% of NG is fuckin retarded. At least you have something to show for all your time on newgrounds.

They should replace the voting system with yes or no, thats all they really need; the rest is completely overlooked, and I think it's pathetic whats happening here. I am sad :(.

Things like this really make me miss the old voting system, and basically Newgrounds circa 2006 in general. I'm not quite sure what happened, but all of a sudden once a submission falls off the front page, which is happening sooner and sooner, it seems to get forgottten about. None of these new users know the good old series, such as Battle for the Portal, Decline of Video Gaming, etcetera etcetera. It seems that people will just pop in to see what's going on in the frontpage, vote the fiven on all the shiniest things they see, and GTFO. I need to rifle through my favorites in oeder to relive that nostalgia, and fell more like myself during sunnier, better times, both for Newgrounds and myself personally.

Maybe I was more into NG back in those days, but something about the post-redesign Newgrounds doesn't keep the feel that you can really dig deep into a flash you're reviewing, you can't sink your teeth into the basics and pick it apart as meticulously as you go along. I've noticed in my reviews too, although I've grown wiser with age from the immature prick I started off here as, have grown less involved, less critical, and more fiven this, and vote ten that.

It's not that the system doesn't work, more that it doesn't cater to either parties as well as it should.

I feel like making a list of good old cartoons people should revisit.

This is exactly what has been bothering me for a while. Every week new movies move into the top 50 of all time, and the list has merely become a reflection of recent popular movies. Newgrounds is not the only communicty that is suffering from this trend, the same thing, although less extrme, is happening to the IMDB. Almost weekly new movies move into the top 250 of all time, but luckily, most of the scores slowly drop again. But still there is a disturbingly high number of movies in the top 250 that come from after 2000.

The reason for this change in communities such as NG end IMDb is probably because of the rapidly growing number of (junior) members. When I submitted my first movie to NG at the age of 15, I was relatively young compared to most authors. Nowadays most flashes come from people of that age. But, more importantly, a huge percentage of the active members on NG, (the people who vote) are younger than 16. I'm not trying to discriminate but usually, these members tend to give away 10's as if they mean nothing. NG used to have a higher percentage of people who see flash animations as a serieus form of art and not just as a cheap and fast way to entertain people. It's a shame, but it's true.

OK I'm done now.