Well, I do agree with the cliches... some of which made me sick, especially some of the Paladin's dialouge, the red skies, and the sudden healing. I saw the deus ex machina a bit the first time I watched it, and found it stupid and disappointing, but after looking back at the series his sword was actually enhanced by a god, thus making deus ex machina, literally "god in the machine", more acceptable. I don't fully agree with the art just because I think your comments, while I agree with them, are a bit nitpicky compared to the overall graphical prowess in comparison to a lot of things on this site.
I agree with most of what you said. Never found the series that interesting and thought the same things with the cliches and strange plot holes as i would call them.
It does make me sort of sad to hate his series. On one hand I commend his extensive effort, but on the other, I can't forgive the giant mistakes he made.