Ingus Khan
I like to draw and complain about stuff.
Joined on 10/20/02
Ingus Khan
Hey, i had an idea for an Ingus halloween episode, an idea of what the beginning of the script might look like:
Kid: Trick or Treat!
Ingus: That's a mighty fine mask you got there.
Kid it's not a mask, its facepa--
Ingus: CAN I TRY IT ON!?
Kid: it's not a ma-
<Ingus rips off the kids face, throws candy at him yells, "Happy halloween!" and closes the door in the kid's exposed muscles and tendons and stuff>
I know you're busy with all that stuff, but i just thought it would be kind of like Ingus's personality, and it looked funny in my head.
That would rule. It would be great to just show the kid's bloody, red face with candy bits stuck to it for a few seconds, and just cut to credits. I would love to throw this together as an easter egg sometime, but I couldn't take credit for something like this.
I wouldn't mind, just put something in the credits that I thought of it, or proclaim it in big flashy letters, "deal-with-it a.k.a. Max Estock thought of this, good for him!"
pwnsauce, more Ingus on its way. I cant wait! :D