I just got my new microphone and preamp in the mail at home. The trouble is that I'm currently in Denver, Colorado, checking out RMCAD -- a school I may be heading to in the spring. So, when I get back to Spokane, Washington on Sunday, I'm going to try my best to nail down some radical voice-work and then get to work on actually making some scenes. The first "Act" is totally storyboarded. The first half of the second act is too simple to bother storyboarding (since I use the same shitty old symbols nine million times). The rest of it I will hope to get down as I go along.
For now, I'm sitting in a bare-bones Holiday Inn, one hour into the future, and going through some pictures I took at the Denver Zoo. It's more of a theme park without rides, but there were smelly animals that lamented endlessly at their inferiority and inability to construct a means of escape, so I was happy.
Speaking of which, I'll go into that. This one rhino with a giant dick was scraping against this big metal door, moaning and crying. Judging by the status of his cock, I would I assume that he wanted to bang the shit out of the hot rhino (I don't know if they consider each other hot) on the other side of the big metal door. Then he turned around and pissed on the door like a fire hose with his massive cock. Some black guy was there watching this. He turned to me, and we both felt humbled. The blow was probably worse for him because I'm sure he's not been belittled in that way other than maybe by his racial peers alone. I'm Irish, so I stand maybe a peg above the Jews and two above the Asians.
A tiger in another area was clawing at a big steel door too. People watched and laughed at his pussy-face as he tried to escape, and then started roaring, which for the dozen or so people out of harm's way, imposed about as much fear as a house cat's hiss.
What was more scary was the shrill cries of a chipmunk -- one of many chipmunks that ran about within the zoo -- that some hot chick snatched by the tail. It was pretty rad. It spun violently and attempted to gnaw off its own tail. I felt a little bad. The girl put it down after a while and it bolted off. I would have kept it, befriended it, and thereafter would become a chipmunk wrangler, where they would do my bidding at the risk of their own lives. I've always wanted to rule over squirrels, but I'll settle for these things.
By the way, Alvin and the Chipmunks looks like a shitty movie.
A major highlight of this adventure was spotting the noble, gigantic, guinea-pig-like creature: The Capybara. I guess they eat these things in Brazil. Assholes. These things kick ass. They're bigger than I expected. They probably matched the body dimensions of a two-foot-tall pot-bellied pig. The one Ingus had in the first episode of the series wasn't quite big enough. The fact that they knew they were the most badass creatures there hindered the possibility of any wacky shenanigans. They knew they had nothing to prove; they just sat there. Fucks.