This here is part two of the Twosday '07 coverage. If you haven't read part 1 yet, I suggest you do so first.
The second show of spirit for Twosday '07 was to eat twice as much as I normally do. I started the "morning" (2:00pm PST, how fitting!) with two bowls of Raisin Bran! Thanks to that, I had an unexpected double-shit later in the day.
I then went to Jack-in-the-Box and got two plain cheese burgers. This isn't a totally accurate doubling, As I usually get something like the Boss Burger at Zips, but that's like $5 each and I'm not made of money.
I also had twice the amount of Oreos I normally have, but I don't wait to take pictures of Oreos when I eat them. They were the orange-filling Halloween ones, which was badass.
Among miscellaneous things I doubled today were many that didn't actually happen. I doubled my almost of making a flash cartoon, which, twice the almost of something is just more almost.
Anyway, this wraps up the first ever Twosday. I hope you guys celebrated and had something to show for it. I'd like to see what you all have done. I can't wait until both times next year!
No comments? Jesus, these fans of yours suck twice as much on twosday :(
Well, at least ONE of your fans posted here, booyah.
Nobody cares what I have to say. I just rant about everyone else's hard work.