I like to draw and complain about stuff.



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Ok, someone's having fun ranting. Although it's bad for people to vote simply by gender, we should not take away women's vote. Otherwise, by the same logic, we'd have to take away men's vote, as many of them are voting to 'keep a woman OUT of office.'

Obviously I'm not saying it literally, but they're fucking retarded.

Also, though, that site is just die hard idiots.

Everyone who votes for Hillary is a die-hard idiot.

But that's why everyone's voting for Obama, because he's black. Dude doesn't even know the pledge of Alliegence!!

You'd rather have a muslim who preaches about black people and cites words from martin luther king in almost every one of his speeches?

Really? Cause I thought the President should be concerned about other things, like, I don't know, the war in Iraq...

We get Hillary, we get Bill too, cause who's going to be whispering in her ear? They can get us out of this mess.

You're retarded. I can't handle this. He's not Muslim, he never talks about being black, and he intends on getting us out of, you know, the War in Iraq.

...Which is precicsely why they ran hillary. And obama. They know that a lot of americans are just that stuipd. Just like their candidates.
If EITHER gets elected... well, nevermind. I don't like ANYONE in this presidential campaign.

There isn't a single worthy presidential candidate. Not one. Ron Paul was the best shot, but it was obvious he was never going to make it.

Sadly, no one running for office isn't a failure.

Times like these make me proud to be a Republican.

I'm a Republican, but I'm voting for Obama in November.

Remember that many white people withpenises are going to vote for McCain because he's white and has penis.

If those white-dicked fools are for that reason, they don't proclaim it as the sole reason to vote for him. They have the decency not to admit that they're retards.

I agree that the women voting block seem to be using their vote irresponsibly, and somewhat selfishly, but... I don't think we should revoke anything from anyone. I don't want to neuter people for making a bad decision, even if the effects are widely experienced, the act is still fairly innocent. I'd love a woman president, but until Michel Obama or Oprah runs I don't really see any woman worth voting for.

If Hillary is elected and she fucks up we can blame old women and give them shit for the next four to eight years. And if Hillary is elected, I'm sure she will fuck things up, with things such as mandated health coverage, which is basically like taxing people to live (and to me that's seem very un-American). If Hillary is elected it will be four more years of the same shit. She is just another politician, and most importantly: SHE IS NOT BILL CLINTON.

I am most definitely rooting for Barack Obama, and voted for him in the New Jersey election (despite his loss in the state). Obama is already revolutionizing the political spectrum for the better, and he hasn't even been nominated for anything yet. That's a remarkable achievement.

And as far as the whole news anchor stopping people on the street and exploiting their lack of hard political knowledge by asking people to name one of Barack Obama's accomplishments, well... I doubt those same people could name any accomplishment of any other candidate. It is not limited to Obama supporters.

As far as his experience is concerned, he has a good bit of it, and people can read about it on his website. It's very nicely laid out and easy to navigate. So I don't want to hear anyone complaining about not knowing what he's for when they wont even go see for themselves: BARACKOBAMA.COM

Anyway, yeah. Cela est mon politique position.

I already made it clear I didn't mean to literally revoke their voting rights. And, those old bitches will be hard to blame for fucking America when they're dead before she is put into office.

Oh, and by the way, anyone questioning Obama's patriotism, or saying things like "he doesn't even know the pledge of allegience" are probably the most mislead, naive and ignorant people on the face of the planet. Seriously, if you believe any of that, you are RE-TAR-DED.

People also aren't voting for him because he's black. He's just a phenominal candidate. He's the only candidate I've ever seen that I genuinely wanted to vote for. I'm a white male, and white males vote overwhelmingly for Obama... so no, it's not that he's black. He's just a good candidate.

I love how everyone in this country voting for Obama are just idiots. We're at war. Guess who's on the opposite side of this war? Muslims.

Guess what Obama is?

Guess what Muslims hate?

Guess who can't stop talking about blacks and citing MLK ideas in his speeches?

Barock Hussein Obama, that's who.

We need Bill and Hillary to get us out of this mess.

Oh, satire. I get it now.


people have been voting for stupid reason since the beginning of time.

last time you had two old guys and people were voting based of who supported gay marriage.

face it we're all doomed.

This is true. We'll end up in a wasteland of 20XX, where teenagers and severely disfigured citizens take up arms and fight one another. And kill over paper football games.

lol politics

You can't vote on race or religion. Anyone who has come even close to hinting at his has been absolutely blasted by the press. The media has made sure no one can get away with even mentioning religion or race in this campaign.

But it's just fine to vote for Hillary, who, were she a male, wouldn't stand a chance at the White Hours, based on her possession of female organs.
You listen to these women in interviews at rallies and speeches, and they sound so incredibly ignorant. They have absolutely no grasp of what's going on.

The news has been hailing this as one of the most participated-in elections in quite some time.
That's simply because a bunch of ignorant idiots have gotten out and decided to screw with the country's fate because they "didn't like Bush", "want change", and have their own racism or sexism to appease.

If they don't like Bush, they shouldn't vote for a woman! </vagina jokes>

I completely understand your point about all of this - what with the whole "The US Presidental Race is not based on politics" thing - but taking away the female vote would be a real step backwards for this country. I think that we should filter votes somehow; if someone is voting for Obama only for the reason to put a black man in office, then that person should not be able to vote, as it serves no purpose for bettering this country.

Stupidity, racism and sexism should be worth of capital punnishment. But, if we did that, the population of America would be appoximately...um...er...nonexistant. Politics are stupid, plus the fact that we have American media to tell us our quote/unquote "facts" means that we're kinda boned to begin with.

...Oh, wait, this would be the perfect time to forfill my nerdom and boredom...ahem. You're taking a lot of flak for your idea that you are entitled to as an individual! People bash your opinion for no real reason, having been fed the jargon that is American media in most forms! DO A BARREL ROLL! (I appologize)

Who cares?
I say you vote for what you want for whatever reason, and let them do the same.

Even if they're doing it for a dumb reason, maybe they'll pick a good President, or at least the one that'll do the least bad

I have to agree. The Clintons were one of the worst things to happen to America the first time around...Do we really want them to get another chance to screw us over? Also, to those going "But it'd be history-setting!!" ...Yes, but in a horrible way...It'd make America say "What in the WORLD were we thinking, letting a chick be president?" and there'd never be another. I'm equal-opporitunity and all, but if we ever get a woman president, we need one who is going to be completely awesome, make America (and the world, if possible) a better place to live in so that history will say that she was one of the best presidents ever....Not Hilary friggin' Clinton...She'd probably nuke us because her popularity dropped ten minutes after getting elected... Okay, my addition to this rant is over.

I guess it's a bad time to mention that I've been voting for presidential candidates based solely on their being men.

No way, man. Bros before hoes.

HERE HERE! You're saying what we're all thinking!

----- Quote of Jynxxx-----

I love how everyone in this country voting for Obama are just idiots. We're at war. Guess who's on the opposite side of this war? Muslims.

Guess what Obama is?

Guess what Muslims hate?

Guess who can't stop talking about blacks and citing MLK ideas in his speeches?

Barock Hussein Obama, that's who.

We need Bill and Hillary to get us out of this mess.

----- End Quote -----

I'd like to cite ^ this ^ previous comment as part of the overwhelming ignorance that is keeping Barack Obama from getting into the white house.

First of all, we are not at war with Muslims, we are at war with douchebags who happen to be Muslim. Plenty of atheists have made the poor decision of supporting the war in Iraq, none of which give a shit about religion, except that maybe it should be abolished altogether, because it breeds people like you, who are of the same breed of ignorance that is fueling the opposite side of the presumed religious war. Stop trying to make this about religion, because that will only fuck things up further, and help nobody. Also, stop generalizing people of a different culture just because of a few bad apples.


His father, who left him when he was TWO, was a muslim turned agnostic (which means he basically didn't believe in anything) long before Barack was born, and his mother was Christian. I completely understand how people can be duped into believing he is muslim, for the vague insinuations with a lack of information to back them up are easy to believe when you know nothing about the candidate, but he was raised Christian.

Third of all, his religious ties are completely irrelevant. I personally don't care what religion he is, as I would prefer to nominate an atheist. Atheists atleast can avoid the kind of religious rationalization of war and violence that people like you instigate. There is also something called a seperation of church an state, which is incredibly important in avoiding idiotic conflicts like the one you are proposing. And nominating someone based on religion, or even having it as a matter of discussion, is absolutely detremental to our country as a whole.

Fourth of all, Muslims do not hate America. The arab societies are the problem, as they are allowing violent actions to be taken against a country and a people. Religious rationalization of the extremist Muslims is simply a powerful excuse to perpetuate this, in the EXACT same way that in America religious rationalization of the evangelicals (among other factions) is acting as a powerful excuse to perpetuate the other side of this conflict. The problem is that two religious factions are agreeing to perpetuate a conflict under the excuse that the other is perpetuating the conflict. The fight is not between religions, but religions do act EQUALLY ON BOTH SIDES as an excuse for people to support the war, and people like you are just fanning the flames.

Fifth of all, Barack Obama almost never talks about black people. It's actually somewhat of a phenomenon. All signs would suggest that he would talk about black societies non stop, but he really doesn't reference them at all, especially with his approach to the country as a whole. His references to Martin Luther King Jr. are no more race related than any white candidate making the reference. The real point of his references to Martin Luther King Jr. are on the basis of hope and perseverence, which is a universal human trait, not limited to that of just black people. I think citing this is slightly, if not overtly (and I don't say this often, but...) racist.

Sixth of all, you mispelled Barack's first name, it's not "Barock". If you can't even spell his first name correctly, then how can you assume that his middle and last names is anything but utterly irrelevant? Do you realize that citing this is like saying Vlade the Impaler's name is Vlade, therefore everyone named Vlade is a mass murdering fuckhead? Do you have any idea how idiotic and ignorant that is?

And seventh of all, HILLARY CLINTON IS NOT BILL CLINTON. She can make no claim to anything good Bill has done. She is also someone of completely different character than Bill. I'm sure nobody reading this could claim that their mother would act the same way their father would in a particular situation, or that they could excercise the same judgement. This principal especially applies to people running for office.

Now, please, everyone who has read this PLEASE be more vocal in squashing the idiotic and slanderous misconceptions people are claiming of Barack Obama.

I think he was joking. Either that or he's incredibly retarded and shouldn't be bothered with.

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