If women are just going to vote for other women when it comes to important things like President of the United States, they should be flogged and get their right to vote revoked.
Hillary Clinton is getting votes from old people, women, and blue collar voters. Most of them happen to fall into all three categories. Among them, the most prominent reason to vote for her was "to put a woman in the White House." I guess it's good we're not voting on trivial things like politics. Voting based on religion, race, or gender is retarded, sexist, and racist. Even if you are voting for Hillary because she's got a vagina, you're a sexist. If you're voting for Obama because he's black, you're a racist. While there could be an argument for Obama getting the "black vote," it's much more obvious that Hillary is getting the "bitch vote." They're not even pretending to avoid this. They're proud of it. Seriously.
If we're going to have women just voting for women without any real reasons, we might as well revoke their right to vote until they stop being retards.
EDIT: "Old people" originally linked to Lemon Party, but apparently I found a link that Newgrounds filters.
Ok, someone's having fun ranting. Although it's bad for people to vote simply by gender, we should not take away women's vote. Otherwise, by the same logic, we'd have to take away men's vote, as many of them are voting to 'keep a woman OUT of office.'
Obviously I'm not saying it literally, but they're fucking retarded.