
769 Movie Reviews

127 w/ Responses

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It was so-so.

I still don't like anime, or hentai for that matter.

Steven-M responds:

Seems fair. Thanks for watching.

Pretty good

I didn't like it as much as the others. It was pretty funny, but not quite as good and as wacky as the others. It's definately good enough to be a piece in the series, though. I wanted the Toast King. Anyway, good job.


That was great. The reatrdedness was extremely well pulled off. The animation, tweens, and shape tweens were very smooth and perfect. Good, well executed jokes. Cigarette cherries aren't hot enough to ignite gasoline, though. I want more of these soon. This is going into my favorites.

McBean, you're one of the best

I liked most of the artists you made fun of, but it was good. Neat credits. Your flash don't get the scores they deserve. This is like 4.20 stuff, at least by how NG scores things now. Very good job. I'm favoriting you now. I should have done it when Don't Stop Me Now came out.

Pretty cool

Some of them were really good, others looked a little crappy like you didn't know what you were doing. Overall, though, great job. Lets hope you put those skills to use in a story-following flash.

bizerk responds:

like i didnt know what i was doing....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!


Probably the funniest one so far. I wrote a very similar joke for a cartoon I was thinking about making to one of your jokes. I guess I'll take it out now... or not make the cartoon. Great job, by the way. You'll probably have your own collection really soon. Who knows, you may even get those people that hate you for being popular like those anti-Legendary Frog guys or anti-Adam Phillips folk. I really liked the Lemons and Grenades joke. I laughed. This comedy reminds me a lot of a more vulgar version of this Mormon kid's behavior. Two years ago, he made a file folder with graphs and spreadsheets of his Moose-milk business and how well Sven was doing over Bjorn in the milking. Odd that he used those names. Anyway, nice job. I hope to see more.

ChrisNosal responds:

Heh, which joke is that? You don't have to take it out.

A collection would be cool. Maybe after the 5th episode. Yeah, everybody has people who hate them, you can't avoid it. Just don't focus on that stuff.

Gotta love them Mormon kids.


Another great short.

I think I'm liking these shorts moer than the episodes. Because they're smaller, it seems as if more effort -- visually -- was put into them. The deleted scene was hilarious, but I'm glad it wasn't in the actual episode. It would have soiled the fluency of it. Nice feature as a deleted scene. I hope to see one for Christmas and New Year... or one that covers both!

I like to draw and complain about stuff.



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