Too much like Comedy Central's special
This song was too much like Comedy Central's Last Laugh 2004 special. Just about everything sang here was sang by Willian Shatner and some black chick about a week ago. Oh well. It was still pretty good.
Too much like Comedy Central's special
This song was too much like Comedy Central's Last Laugh 2004 special. Just about everything sang here was sang by Willian Shatner and some black chick about a week ago. Oh well. It was still pretty good.
Nice look on the Santa Legion
I liked this video, but you could have had most of those images just in flash and it would've reduced the filesize greatly. Still, nice job.
Crip porno...
Pretty funny. Nothing to follow...
This seemed to have little to do with Bitey of Brackenwood. I don't really understand how this won. Oh well. It was okay and at least original.
All he wanted... was a sandwich with eggs...
And ham...
Very boring
Just because you are quoting the bible doesn't mean this is any good. There was very little work involved and the animation -- the only thing you did -- was crap. Brineshrimp made the music and some dude wrote whatever you aplha'd in every now and then. This was a long and boring movie.
Thats your take on it. You have the right to do so.
Great job
This is too under viewed. There were a few kinks you could have fixed, but it was still pretty good.
I like to draw and complain about stuff.
Joined on 10/20/02