
769 Movie Reviews

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Totally awesome

I wasn't expecting a Tomorrow's Nobody cartoon for a long time. Very well-done and totally awesome. Best one yet.


Your blue klawymen are looking bluer and bluer. Gorgeous stuff. The animation was much nicer. I hope these either crank out faster, or Villain gets done quicker. Either way, I want to see more from you soon.

Knox responds:

thanks buddy! :)


Your cartoons always shock me. You started for a while after Coffee Break to go a little lighter, but then you get this out. The strange conclusionlessness it off-putting. The mood is like Coffee break and The Cyst. The graphics are weird and effective. This seemed like it was supposed to be funy with how weird it was, but it was more of a twisted horror short, which worked wonders on its own. When you get the chance, release all your original work on DVD or something. It would be cool.


Slideshows like these aren't easy to review, so there's just some rnadom numbers there. You guys seem to have fun with the Comic Con. I want to go next year. I probably won't but whatever. I've still got my monkey tattoo and sticker from my DVD. It's cool that you met Rob Cordery and Maddox. That's like bananas filled with chocolate pudding. I hope your guys' next short or episode comes out soon.

Well, it did have Naruto...

I don't really know what Naruto is, but hearing it between "World of Warcraft" and "La Blue Girl" probably means it's something I'd rather eat chock than sit through. These drawings, as rushed as they probably were, looked nice. Airline seats? Awesome. I'm not usually a fan of flash that diss other flash, especially when I'm fairly impartial (I will admit it's overrated) but this one was very well thought out. The dialog wasn't generic flash dissing dialog. The audio quality was pretty bad, but that was kind of referenced (sort of) and it doesn't kill the flash. Even though you were making fun of static visuals with static visuals, you actually gave them a lot of character with the eyes. Nice job. Nice fat Naruto drawing at the end.

xtil responds:

thanks kupamayun

I'm not buying this.

I hope he gets well soon.

Yeah, I agree

Some static, simplistic teeth with occassional Adam Sandler-esque voices isn't very amusing to me either. Surviving on NG? Makes sense. Getting 4+ scores and daily feature awards? Overrated. He just made a response flash in which the Eminem song is used to argue his point. I don't think we're jealous. We're just fed up with bullshit that simple tricking people into getting undeserved scores.

Very entertaining

Probably the thing I appreciated most was that the graphics were not only clean and nice, but they were consistent. They weren't differing in quality or detail. I liked how subtle everything was done. The way that it was slow and patient was hilarious. The sound was very clear and had no puffs or crackling, but it was all kind of different volumes. Overall, though, very funny. I'd like to see more in the future.

Why wasn't Tenacious D credited for their talk?

It was funny, but you could have credited Tenacious D.

Bbqbeefburgerman responds:

Well i excatly didnt credit the crazy fat christian woman neither so yeah.

I like to draw and complain about stuff.



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