
769 Movie Reviews

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Almost a 10 for graphics

I was at first disappointed with the visuals I got after seeing the very nice preloader, but then it got better. I didn't gather much from this trailer. I can tell that, if the episodes will be made, they will be impressive. There was a lot of unique camera shots that cartoons -- expecially web-toons -- don't take. The fact that it wasn't taken seriously saves it. It'd have been an annoying anime-type cartoon with probably a terrible somber storyline. Obviously this one aims toward fun. I hope to see more in the future.

Very awesome

It had a lot of jokes, all very funny. There wasn't any bad jokes really, which is kind of rare. The Kill Bill and X-Men: The Last Stand stuff was some of the best. I enjoyed the chupacabra SciFi Original reference. I thought I was the only one to experience that piece of crap. The visuals were okay - they worked for what you had - but it could really use some touch-ups. Mouths would be good, but it would kind of mess up how the series has gone, so I'd suggest some stuff with their hands while they're talking. I wouldn't be mad if the graphics stayed the same, though, for future episodes. Good job and I can't wait for the next one.

SmokedBacon responds:

HELL YEAH! Someone actually got the "Chupacabra Terror" reference.

Smells too much like something else...

Called The 10 Second Showcase, which had 30 artists and was much better. None of this was really funny to me at all and only a few showed some effort. For the most part, this was a poor mimic of The 10 Second Showcase. Even without comparing it to that one though, I don't find this to be a very good collaboration.

Evan responds:

Uhhh no. 10 second show case was to make a display of your abilitys by making a ten second animation. This was to make a skit or joke animation within a 10 second threshold. Nothing alike.

better than the original

I good paordy that deserves praise. Much better than the original goth-crap one.

Cool, but...

None of them really had anything to do with "A Simple Line." They all (or most of them) had a little line dealio in them, but weren't anything to do with lines. Very nice animation in most all of them, though. Very slick, professional menus. Very nice overall.

I like my news delivered flash style

Even though this time I knew in advance that Spelling had died. I found out when I was looking at people with my same birthday on Wikipedia. The hand puppet thing was kind of dumb, not very funny. I wish you'd deliver more news and less jokes, because a lot of your jokes drag on just past where they should stop. Oh well.

There is no need...

For this or any flash to be 10 megs. Not very funny or interesting, but fairly nice looking throughout. Pretty boring, though. I'm sure this thing will have an extraordinary score, but it doesn't deserve more than a 4.10 or something.

Toonimated responds:

The flash is 10 mbs for it has lots of fbf, you could say there were almost no reused symbols therefore, filesize grows; thanks for the comment

Visually better

The artwork is a lot better than on your previous Floating Hands comic book cartoons, but it's still not great. Pretty funny if too innocent. Overall, though, a nice cartoon.

I like to draw and complain about stuff.



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