A fun timewaster
The game is extremely simple, and nothing really needed to be memorized. All the weapons you collect shoot at the same time with the spacebar. There's no toggling, no separate buttons, just a death fountaining space bar. The amount of ammo you have per weapon isn't some wimpy amount like in a lot of games like this. You'll be pouring ammo out without worry of how much you have left. All that being said, there's no strategy to this game as well as no real aiming system. Your weapons basically shoot foreward unless they's bombs which fall below you. I kind of wish there was a way to more accurately take out your foes. Also, there's no plot or mission objectives, which I'd like there to be. Visually, it's some pretty nice looking sprites. However, when you hit something and it doesn't die, I wish it would jiggle or something because until you actually kill it, you don't really feel like you're doing much. Overall, though, this is a very fun and easy to pick up game. I hope to see more.