One of my favorites
As opposed to writing this as a complement to the author, I'll write it as a full-blown review:
This flash is one of the most creative and eerie to ever be showcased on Newgrounds. Kol-Belov utilizes flash's shape and motion tweens to the best I've ever seen. The cleaver and creative transitions make the whole thing seamlessly flow into a perfectly executed conclusion. Using a rather underrated color pallet, Kol-Belov gave the flash an even more unique feel that set it apart from many others in its genre. The black, well-fitting tar like blood which seemed to leak from everything in this cartoon achieved a really interesting look. It's almost a relief that nigh nothing of this flash could be understood for it would alter its curious feel. Objectionable Apparatus was nearly perfect, safe for the sound quality which would sometimes cause the audio track to crackle and mildly spoil the experience. The music - despite its lower quality - was perfectly fitting in every frame.
Aside from the audio quality, not much could be changed to make this cartoon any better than it already was. It's a mystery as to why its score isn't higher. This flash receives an overall score of 10/10.
Okay, that's enough from me. This is going into my favorites.